

Thoughts on how to keep cats safe and happy

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Is this the coolest interior cat door?

Is this the coolest interior cat door?

Sometimes it makes sense to install a cat door in an interior door. Say, for example, you need to be able to keep cats separated from each other, or you want to have a door closed but still permit cats to pass through. But not everyone wants to look at a typical cat...

Covid Alert Levels Update

Covid Alert Levels Update

UPDATE - 17 May 2022 We have good stock of Oscillot cat fence components for immediate shipment, except for Woodland Grey paddles which will soon be out of stock until further notice. The current waiting time for a cat climbing post (the time from payment to shipping...

Oscillot on corrugated iron fence

Oscillot on corrugated iron fence

We always say that you can install Oscillot® on just about any kind of fence. The latest proof of that comes from Neil, a customer in Sunnylands, Auckland. Neil had already had some success containing his cat by cladding the top of his fence with corrugated roofing...

New colour for 2022: Monument Grey

New colour for 2022: Monument Grey

Happy New Year everyone. Despite all the challenges of the past two years we have seen steadily growing interest from cat owners in keeping their pets safe and happy at home. 2021 was actually our best year ever, so we feel very fortunate indeed. And, we have some...

All-time best cat hiding place

All-time best cat hiding place

Isn't it amazing how cats can make themselves scarce when they don't want to be found? Many times we've searched the property for one of our cats and found no sign. Then we turn around and there he or she is! Here's a great example of a cat hiding place. And here's a...