

Thoughts on how to keep cats safe and happy

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Documentary: Follow your cat

Documentary: Follow your cat

This video reports on a study of roaming cats in the German city of Weimar. It is beautifully produced and gives a real “cat’s eye view” of the world. The owners love their cats, but had no idea how far they roamed.

Why does my cat purr?

Why does my cat purr?

Cats purr by rapid movement of the laryngeal muscles, orchestrated by neural oscillators in the brain. But why? Actually, there are many reasons, and sometimes purring is a sign of distress.

How cats sense the world

How cats sense the world

Did you know that a cat’s sense of smell is about 14 times better than a human’s? Or that the pupils in cats’ eyes can expand up to 300-fold? But there are some ways in which their senses are weaker than ours.