Have you ever wondered: “Why does my cat purr?”

Is it a sign of happiness, a call for attention, or something more?

Cats purr by rapid movement of the laryngeal muscles, orchestrated by neural oscillators in the brain.

Here’s the delightful Felix, a Siberian cat who lives with us here at catfence.nz. Isn’t his purr impressive?


While a purr often signals contentment, it’s a multifaceted expression, carrying layers of meaning and purpose in your cat’s life:

Contentment and comfort

The most recognised reasons cats purr is when they’re happy and relaxed. This could be while lounging in the sun, snuggling with you, or after a satisfying meal.

Healing and pain relief

Cats’ purring is their built-in healing mechanism. Ranging from 25 to 150 Hz, purring aids in tissue regeneration, bone healing and pain relief.

Mother-kitten communication

Kittens are born blind and deaf, but they can purr from a few days old, helping them communicate with their mother and bond effectively.

Stress and anxiety

Surprisingly, cats also purr when they’re nervous, stressed, or in in pain. Purring serves as a self-soothing tool, helping them calm down when distressed.

Attention-seeking behaviour

Sometimes, cats purr to get your attention and communicate their needs, such as hunger of the desire for interaction.

Sign of friendship

When cats purr around other cats of humans, it can be a sign of friendship and a non-threatening way to communicate their peaceful intentions.

Source: purrfectfence.com