Purrfect Fence has now been available in New Zealand for one year, and we celebrated that anniversary with our biggest installation so far, an 82-metre long project at the NZ Cat Foundation sanctuary in Auckland.
The NZCF cares for unwanted cats and kittens in a spacious rural setting and we were delighted when they chose to have us work with them on upgrading one of their two enclosures.
This “cat corral”, measuring 35 metres by 6 metres, had a chicken wire roof and lots of partitions. It was hard for the NZCF volunteers to move about easily, and trimming the many olive trees was almost impossible due to the low roof which was sagging and had developed a few gaps.
On Monday 8 January we got an early start, and here’s a look at how things went:

“Who’s that coming? Oh, it’s just that guy from catfence.nz.”

“You’re not going to make us move out of the way, are you?”

The old mesh roof had become saggy and had a few gaps.

“I’ll just hide up here while the humans get to work.”

NZCF volunteers removing the wire mesh roof – a big job!

Just a few of the many Purrfect Fence arms required for this installation. Even though the fence is 2m tall, we used the Low Fence arms to gain extra height because there are several items within the enclosure from which a cat could jump. At the far left, you can see a different type of cat fencing installed several years go on the adjacent enclosure. Unlike Purrfect Fence, that system does not have a spring-loaded horizontal arm at the top.

On these arms the Purrfect Fence poly mesh has been attached to the spring-loaded arms, and is looking very tidy. The poly mesh is the same material used in deer fencing, with a 600-lb breaking strength!

Here the installation is almost finished, and the olive trees have been trimmed. The enclosure is now open to the sky and volunteers arriving for the afternoon shift were excited to see this tidier and more open area.

Happy customers. Or at least happy that we were finished and they could get back to sleep. 🙂
Our thanks go to Anne, Tracey and Michael from the NZCF for their great work in rescuing cats and for helping get this Purrfect Fence installation complete. Here’s a video tour of the sanctuary, before the addition of Purrfect Fence: