

Thoughts on how to keep cats safe and happy

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International Cat Day: Tips on cat toileting

International Cat Day: Tips on cat toileting

We're pleased to share some tips from International Cat Care, the nice folks who also sponsor International Cat Day on 8 August each year. Our own experience is a bit different from what's in the infographic: * Our three cats all use open and covered litter boxes,...

International Cat Day: Tips on cat travel

International Cat Day: Tips on cat travel

We're pleased to share some tips from International Cat Care, the nice folks who also sponsor International Cat Day on 8 August each year. PLUS... To celebrate International Cat Day, we're having a sale! We'll discount all Oscillot cat fence components by the value of...

International Cat Day: Tips on cat play

International Cat Day: Tips on cat play

We're pleased to share some tips from International Cat Care, the nice folks who also sponsor International Cat Day on 8 August each year. PLUS... To celebrate International Cat Day, we're having a sale! We'll discount all Oscillot cat fence components by the value of...

International Cat Day: Tips on cat feeding

International Cat Day: Tips on cat feeding

We're pleased to share some tips from International Cat Care, the nice folks who also sponsor International Cat Day on 8 August each year. PLUS... To celebrate International Cat Day, we're having a sale! We'll discount all Oscillot cat fence components by the value of...