CATFENCE is the exclusive New Zealand distributor of the OSCILLOT® system.

Photos of Oscillot® installations
Oscillot is easy to install and looks great on any type of fence.
Check out the photos below for ideas on using Oscillot in your own backyard!
- Visit our Videos page to see Oscillot in action!
Face-mounted on timber fences
This method is ideal if your fence has posts that extend above the top rail, which would require cutting Oscillot paddles and using extra Oscillot dual knuckle posts. It also keeps the Oscillot system out of sight from neighbouring property.
We can supply brackets when it is desired to position the Oscillot paddles farther away from the fence (for greater deterrence) or to work around obstacles. Learn more about brackets.
Clear acrylic
Low fences may require the addition of acrylic or other material to achieve the minimum recommended height of 1.8m.
Acrylic can also be used to prevent your cat jumping from heat pumps, tanks, etc.